Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Use Law of Attraction to Make the Money You Want!|Jon Belcher exposes how the Law of Attraction Manifests!

Wow, the spotlight has finally materialized for me to rant and rave about the law of attraction and how you can use it to have more income, joy, health, and destiny that you love. I wouldn’t be surprised if you heard about this law by researching the Think and Grow Rich book or listening to an associate who happens to be very in sync with their energy. Look, please stray away from thinking that the law of attraction definition contains some kind of myth that has never been proven. Research shows many tests where the LOA proved to be a real law that is omnipresent and always works.

For example, I don’t recollect the name of the experiment but there was a specific test  where three separate groups of people were split up and told they would have a basketball free throw contest in a a month. The 1st group was told to actually go to the gym and practice shooting free throws, the 2nd group was told not to actually practice shooting but to instead continuously envision themselves at the free throw line releasing the ball and making the shot nonstop, and the final group was told to just relax and come back the day of the contest.

I was blown away by this news…

But when the day of the free throw contest arrived, the 2nd group had beaten groups 1 and 3 in the contest and they were only told to imagine themselves making the free throw in succession. Isn’t that a little weird?

What this proves is the law of attraction works no matter what!

The law of attraction is a law that states your pineal gland literally makes a reality of whatever you constantly think about. What you focus on is what you get. And this is where the concept of ‘thoughts are things’ becomes significant.

…This might sound weird but, It wasn’t clear to me how this phenomenon works until I actually experienced different miraculous things happen in my life…

I can remember a time when I was thinking about someone who I hadn’t seen for a couple of months and randomly they gave me a call while I had them in my thoughts.

 I can recall getting started in my 1st online business venture and all I would do was visualize money increasing and new entrepreneurs hunting me down to spread a positive message with me, and this was when I was first starting out as an entrepreneur. In about 2-3 months sales and new business started accumulating like crazy so I know I’m a living testament that the law of attraction money principle is real!

Another time I was sitting in a pizzeria thinking about one of my cousins who lived in a totally different city from where I was  and literally right then and there the same cousin of mine walked right in! I was so shocked it was scary!

In addition, I kept realizing that whenever I would randomly look at a clock I would see this EXACT time and the more I witnessed it, the more I started thinking about the time, and the more I started to land my eyes on the clock at that exact time (the time I will keep within my own heart). I took it as the universe was trying to get through to me. It got to a point where I started seeing the time randomly everywhere like in novels, on Twitter, on subyway ads, on license plates etc. This is when it became clear to me that I was having a spiritual breakthrough.

Keep this in the forefront of your mind, what you believe in your mind is what you will attract into your life.

The thing about the law of attraction is that it never fails and it is always proving itself to be true. If you come to a point where things aren’t going your way in life or in business then I want you to start to check what happens to be on your mind. Is it poorness? Is it abundance? Is it health? Is it wealth? If you’re going to let something consume your mind then you might as well let it be something positive!

Whatever you keep imagining will manifest itself to you at a later date, in the physical form.

Unfortunately and fortunately, just keeping something at the forefront of your mind isn’t usually enough to manifest it, you should be using your visualization ability paired with your ambitious movements in the direction of what you desire. Faith plus works equals a miracle!

Here’s how to apply the law of attraction and get more skilled at accumulating specifically what you want:

Initially, you want to utilize visualization and using your pineal gland daily. The better you are at seeing, feeling, tasting, and hearing what you want before it’s in the physical plane, the more efficient you will magnetically attract what you want to you.

Your imagination must be incorporated with the good feeling of serotonin being sent into your bloodstream. This is how you know the law of attraction is starting to work for you because the core of your body will literally feel tingly and maybe some nervousness as you are accepting and expecting what you want to become a reality. It’s almost like you have to focus on what you want and throw away the false feeling that comes with anything that you do not desire.

This is why the the Ultimate spirit guide states “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.

So is the law of attraction real? Without a doubt it is! But you can use it in your life  it to quit your job and revitalize  your life!

Ok so here’s one last take away message before I go…

We are all  energetic beings cooperating in an energetic galaxy. That means that the law of attraction works off of energy. In other words, whatever you give your emotional and cognitive energy to starts to grow and fester into a living ”organism” full of force and velocity in YOUR life. It works both ways for negative projections and for positive thoughts. The law of attraction doesn’t discriminate against you or anyone else!

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